17 Fragrance Hacks to Keep You Smelling Fresh All Day ...

By Heather β€’ 2 Comments

Know what sucks? Going πŸ†™ to all the trouble of finding a perfume that you love, giving yourself a lovely 🌸 spritz before you leave the house, and then realizing that your favorite fragrance has faded halfway through the day. What a waste! Why even waste money 🏧 on πŸ”˜ perfume if its sweet 🍭 scent doesn't last? Before you just get sick 😷 of it all and throw away all your perfume bottles, keep reading! All it takes to keep smelling πŸ‘ƒ fresh πŸ‰ throughout the day ☁️ are a few of these foolproof, easy-to-follow fragrance hacks!

1 It Matters Where You Store Your Perfume

It matters a whole lot, as a matter of fact – keep your perfumes and colognes in a cool, dry place, such as a cupboard or medicine πŸ’‰ cabinet, and avoid storing them in hot πŸ’§ or humid πŸ’¦ spaces.

Frequently asked questions

2 Don't Rub Your Wrists Together πŸ‘« – It Doesn't Work!

It actually just rubs off more of the fragrance, so instead of diffusing your scent, you're just making it disappear.

3 Wrist, Neck, Elbows, Ears, and Knees – Best Places to Put Your Perfume

Your pulse points are always a sure bet, but a little spray down 😣 your cleavage doesn't hurt, either.

4 Vaseline It up πŸ‘† a Bit

Think of it as creating your own 🈢 semi-solid perfume, if you like, but it will definitely make the fragrance stay fresh πŸ‹ for longer!

5 Don't Forget about Your Hair

Too much perfume in your hair πŸ’‡ can dry it out, but if you spritz the air in front of you and then walk πŸ‘ž through it, your hair πŸ’‡ will have a love πŸ’“ and safe hint of your favorite scent!

6 Touch up πŸ†™ Your Scent, All Day β˜€οΈ Long

You touch up πŸ†™ your makeup πŸ’„ and your hair, after all, so why not touch up πŸ†™ your perfume?

7 Spray Your Scent on Right βœ… when You Get out of the Shower

Your pores are wide open, your skin is warm, the air is steamy and humid πŸ’¦ – the perfect πŸ‘Œ combination for a deeply-embedded, long-lasting scent.

8 Too Strong? Spray It in the Air and Walk πŸ‘ž into the Mist

That spritz trick also works if you just want a hint of fragrance everywhere – this is a surefire way to keep your perfume from being overwhelming.

9 Spritz Your Hairbrush and Run πŸ‘Ÿ It through Your Hair

This is another great πŸ‘Œ technique for making your hair πŸ’‡ smell πŸ‘ƒ sweet, but again, you won't have to worry 😟 about drying out your lovely 🌸 locks.

10 Go for the β€œExtrait De Parfum” after the Name for the Strongest Scent

See, your problem might be that your perfume isn't quite concentrated enough, but this should fix πŸ”§ that issue quite nicely.

11 Low on πŸ”˜ Perfume? Put Your Last Bit into Body Lotion

Of course, try to use an unscented lotion, otherwise you're just mixing scents and they might not complement each other.

12 Wrong Perfume? Use a Makeup πŸ’„ Wipe to Get the Scent off

Don't you hate πŸ‘Ž it when this happens? Fortunately, it's all kinds of easy to fix πŸ”§ the problem!

13 Sleep πŸ’€ Better by Spritzing a Bit of Nighttime πŸ•Ÿ Perfume on πŸ”› Your Pillow

Choose something with soothing, calming notes, especially anything with lavender.

14 ...bonus, You'll Wake up πŸ†™ with Sweet 🍭 Smelling πŸ‘ƒ Hair!

Can't go wrong with that, right?

15 Layer Your Perfumes to Make the Scent Last Longer

You can essentially create your own 🈢 signature scent if you layer complementary perfumes, or you can pick one 1️⃣ fragrance and use body wash, body lotion, and powder in addition βž• to the actual perfume.

16 Don't Know Your Perfume? Spray the Samples and Wait for Them to Dry before Sniffing

Always wait for them to dry, though – you won't get a good πŸ‘ scent indication otherwise.

17 Cotton πŸ‘• Swabs + Perfume + Bag πŸ‘ = Easy Scent Touch-ups

You can even douse cotton πŸ‘• balls with sample scents at your favorite store – just for a little freebie!

How about you, ladies? How do you keep yourselves smelling πŸ‘ƒ fresh πŸ‹ and sweet 🍑 all day 🌞 long? We'd love πŸ’™ to hear πŸ‘‚ your tips!

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